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Sound Healing and Vibrational Healing Tools

Seven Chakra Tuning Forks - Weighted, Uncolored

Seven Chakra Tuning Forks - Weighted, Uncolored

Regular price $259.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $259.00 USD
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  • Eco-friendly
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Sound and Vibrational healing essentials

Seven Chakra Tuning Forks

Discover the Harmony Within: Seven Chakra Tuning Forks Collection

Unlock the power of sound healing with our exquisite Seven Chakra Tuning Forks, designed to balance and align your chakras for optimal well-being. Our tuning forks are crafted with precision and care, ensuring top-notch quality and reliability for your healing journey. This Chakra Set includes 7 Planetary Tuned Tuning Forks, one for each chakra. These planetary tuning forks for sound therapy include all 7 notes for 7 chakras with a high-quality carrying case. Easy to carry and use.

A handmade professional set for meditation, yoga, therapeutics, sound healing, and spiritual practices. The 7-chakra tuning fork set includes seven 100% precisely tuned tuning forks. The Planetary Tuned Tuning Forks are manufactured according to Hans Cousto's calculations in The Cosmic Octave. Each tuning fork is tuned exactly to the frequency of the respective celestial body in order to achieve a therapeutic effect. The Seven Chakra Tuning forks are available in four unique variants to suit your preferences:

1. Unweighted - Uncolored Seven Chakra Tuning Forks
2. Unweighted - Colored Seven Chakra Tuning Forks
3. Weighted - Uncolored Seven Chakra Tuning Forks
4. Weighted - Colored Seven Chakra Tuning Forks

Premium Quality and Craftsmanship

Our Seven Chakra Tuning Forks are made from high-grade aluminum alloy, ensuring durability and consistent performance. Each fork is meticulously tuned to the specific frequencies of the seven chakras, providing a precise and effective healing experience. Whether you're a professional sound healer, a yoga instructor, or a wellness enthusiast, our tuning forks are a trusted tool for your practice.

What is included in each set?

  • Root Chakra Tuning Fork - Muladhara (Survival) - Synodic Day 194.18 Hz [G3]
  • Sacral Chakra Tuning Fork - Swadhisthana (Sexuality) - Synodic Moon 210.42 Hz [G3#]
  • Solar Plexus Chakra Tuning Fork - Manipura (Power) - Sun 126.22 Hz [B2/H2]
  • Heart Chakra Tuning Fork - Anahata (Love) - Earth 136.10 Hz [C3#]
  • Throat Chakra Tuning Fork - Vishuddhi (Communication) - Mercury 141.27 Hz [C3#]
  • Third Eye Chakra Tuning Fork - Ajna (Intuition) - Venus 221.23 Hz [A3]
  • Crown Chakra Tuning Fork - Sahasrara (Spirituality) - Platonic Year 172.06 Hz [F3]
  • Beautiful Red Handmade Velvet Pouch
  • Tuning Fork Striker
  • Tuning Fork Activator

How to use?

Gently strike the chakra tuning fork with the activator or striker and hold the tuning fork close to the respective chakra. You may apply the vibration of the forks to various energy points on the palms, head, and body using the tip of the handle.

The Power of Seven Chakra Tuning Forks for Holistic Healing

Unlock the transformative energy of your chakras with our premium Seven Chakra Tuning Forks. Each planetary tuning fork is precisely calibrated to resonate with specific frequencies that align with the body's energy centers, promoting balance, healing, and spiritual growth.

  • Root/Muladhara/Base - 194.18 Hz

Align with your instinct and sense of security. The Root Tuning Fork, resonating at the same frequency as an Earth Day (24 hours), targets the region between the genitals and the anus. It's effective on the pubic bone and coccyx, supporting survival instincts and basic human potential.

  • Sacral/Svadisthana - 210.42 Hz

Harmonize your reproductive cycle and sexual energy. The Sacral Tuning Fork, matching the Synodic Moon frequency, stimulates erotic communication and supports the genitourinary system, adrenals, and women's cycles. The vibrant Orange color symbolizes creativity and passion.

  • Solar Plexus/Manipura - 126.22 Hz

Enhance your metabolic and digestive systems. The Solar Plexus Tuning Fork, tuned to the Sun's frequency, empowers your inner strength and personal power. The associated color is Green, representing growth and healing.

  • Heart/Anahata - 136.10 Hz (Cosmic OM)

Experience deep relaxation and spiritual devotion. The Heart Tuning Fork, vibrating at the OM frequency, aligns with the Earth Year (365 days) and supports the immune system and circulation. This frequency fosters love, compassion, and harmony.

  • Throat/Vishuddha - 141.27 Hz

Improve communication and self-expression. The Throat Tuning Fork, resonating with Mercury's frequency, aids the throat and thyroid gland. It promotes growth through expression and supports the gland responsible for maturation and metabolism.

  • 3rd Eye/Ajna - 221.23 Hz

Activate your intuition and inner vision. The 3rd Eye Tuning Fork, aligned with Venus's frequency, benefits the pineal gland, which regulates sleep and wakefulness. Apply this fork directly between the eyebrows to enhance your spiritual insight.

  • Crown/Sahasrara - 172.06 Hz

Connect with pure consciousness and universal unity. The Crown Tuning Fork, matching the Platonic Year (25,920 years), supports the pituitary gland and central nervous system. This frequency encourages meditation, joy, and spiritual enlightenment.

Elevate your healing practice with our Seven Chakra Tuning Forks and experience the profound benefits of balanced energy.

Why Choose Our Tuning Forks?

  • Certified Quality: Our tuning forks are certified for their accuracy and quality, giving you peace of mind in their reliability and effectiveness.
  • Versatile Options: Choose from our plain or colored variants to suit your aesthetic preference. The colored options are vibrant and visually appealing, making them a beautiful addition to your healing tools.
  • Weighted for Enhanced Healing: Our weighted tuning forks offer deeper and more resonant vibrations, ideal for more intensive healing sessions. The weights provide a longer sustain and a richer sound, enhancing your therapeutic practice.
  • Portable and Durable: Lightweight and easy to carry, our tuning forks are perfect for on-the-go healing sessions. The sturdy construction ensures they withstand regular use, maintaining their integrity and performance over time.

Product Variants

  1. Unweighted - Uncolored: A classic and minimalist option, perfect for those who appreciate simplicity and elegance in their healing tools.
    2. Unweighted - Colored: Add a splash of color to your practice with our vibrant tuning forks, each color representing a different chakra for easy identification and an enhanced visual experience.
    3. Weighted - Uncolored: For those seeking deeper, more resonant vibrations, our uncolored weighted tuning forks offer a powerful and effective healing tool.
    4. Weighted - Colored: Combine the benefits of weighted tuning forks with the aesthetic appeal of vibrant colors, creating a visually and sonically enriching experience.

Enhance Your Healing Practice

Experience the transformative power of sound healing with our Seven Chakra Tuning Forks. Perfect for meditation, yoga, Reiki, and various therapeutic practices, our tuning forks are designed to elevate your healing sessions to new heights. Each set comes with a velvet bag, that makes it easy, and convenient and aesthetically pleasing to carry the Seven Chakra Tuning Forks for travel. Invest in quality, precision, and beauty with our certified tuning forks, and discover the harmony within.

Unlock the power of sound healing with our Seven Chakra Tuning Forks – your path to balance and harmony starts here.Planetary Tuning Forks for Sound Therapy that include all 7 notes for 7 chakras with a high-quality carrying case. Easy to carry and use.

Learn more about how to use Tuning Forks for physical, mental, and spiritual healing with Vairagya Yogashala.

A professional set for meditation, yoga, therapeutics, sound healing, and spiritual practices. The 7-chakra tuning fork set includes seven 100% precisely tuned tuning forks

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